The Haddenham Youth and Community Centre address is Woodways, Haddenham, Aylesbury HP17 8DS.
New Beginnings is an initiative by the Haddenham Local Area Forum and is supported by Bucks County Council.
Data is only stored for the purpose of safeguarding individuals attending the group
- Parents complete the mandatory registration form and opt in to having the details stored and used appropriately.
- First name, surname and gender will be stored on the registration computer system which is required for attendance at the school on a given session. Notes (non sensitive) can be stored against the name. For example, new registration form required, or lost property notices etc.
- If the young person does not attend the group for a period of 12 months. Sensitive will be deleted from the password protected database. A note will be added against their name on the registration computer requiring a new registration form on return.
- All previous registration forms and electronic data and backups will be deleted when a new registration is made.
- Sensitive data is only accessible by the club manager using a password protected data vault. This information can be accessed on site by the club manager in an emergency. Original copies of registration forms will be destroyed when electronic copies are stored safely.
- The registration system is managed by volunteers but this only holds first name, last name and any relevant notes regarding their session attendance
- The café manager alone has password access to the emergency contact details during the session.
- Information is only used for the specific purpose for which it was requested and for which the full consent has been given by the parents / guardians.
- If a young person has not attended for 12 months, the secured copy of their data will be deleted. Only their first and last name will be kept on the registration system with a note that says ‘ if the young person attends in the future, a new registration form will be required’
- Paper copies of registration forms will be destroyed when they are saved in a secure electronic format.